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Unexpected Page 4

  I chuckled to myself. “Nothing quite so glamorous,” I said, relaxing. “My dad is a construction manager, and my mom is a teacher.”

  Sophia adopted a serious demeanor. “Teachers are very important.”

  I smiled. “Yes, they are.”

  “Are you having fun?” Alexis asked, returning to the room.

  “Oh yes, Mommy.” Sophia hopped up and skipped over to Alexis, grabbing her hand. “Preston is the best!” She frowned. “I mean, Sir Preston.”

  Alexis tried to hide her smile, her eyes meeting mine over the top of Sophia’s head. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  So was I.

  We played for a while longer, and then Alexis said, “Hey, Soph, let’s go get some snacks. You can play a game on the tablet while I talk to Preston.”

  “Mom,” Sophia whispered. “It’s Sir Preston.”

  “Right.” Alexis grinned at me. “Excuse me, Sir.”

  My dick twitched with excitement at the husky sound of her voice. Fuck. Down, boy.

  I followed them downstairs, greedily drinking in the sight of Alexis’s bare shoulders, the curve of her ass. My attraction to this woman was off the charts. But I couldn’t be lusting after her, not if I wanted this job. And I wanted this job. I needed the money to cover my tuition and rent.

  And while I got the feeling she was attracted to me—at least if her “sir” comment was any indication—I doubted she’d act on it. She might not be married, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have a man in her life. She was too beautiful, too alluring, not to.

  “Would you like a drink?” she asked.

  “Water would be great.” A cold shower would be even better.

  She bustled around the kitchen, filling a glass for me before getting Sophia set up on her tablet. Alexis was full of energy, but her movements were gentle, nurturing. Even from my brief interaction, Alexis’s love for her daughter was apparent.

  “Why don’t we take a seat outside,” she said. Sophia was already immersed in her tablet, and I followed Alexis to the pool area. She left the glass doors open, allowing a nice breeze to flow into the house.

  “This is gorgeous,” I said, admiring the space. It was an outdoor oasis, with sparkling blue water, swaying palm trees, and a waterfall. I could definitely see myself spending lots of time out here.

  “Thank you.” She smiled as she took a seat on a lounge chair, folding one of her legs beneath her.

  I knew I should stop staring, stop coveting something I’d never have, but I couldn’t seem to help myself.

  “The whole house is,” I said as I joined her. “Love these dark window sashes and the light wood floors with the cream walls. It’s very…relaxing,” I said, finally settling on the word.

  She tilted her head to the side, appraising me with a curious gaze. “You speak the lingo like a pro.” She tapped a finger to her lips. “Let me guess—HGTV fan?”

  I chuckled, leaning back to rest my arm across the back of the chair. “My dad’s a general contractor for a custom builder back home.”

  “Ahh.” She angled her head back to display the long column of her neck. “That explains it.”

  “Though I do enjoy watching HGTV from time to time,” I said.

  “Favorite show?” she asked, and I felt like I was being quizzed.

  For a moment, I considered lying. “Christina on the Coast.” I cringed, bracing for her reaction.

  She appraised me a moment, as if to see if I was joking. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I just think Art is so sweet to Christina, and I love seeing their blended family. I think it’s brave that she gave love a second chance.”

  Her eyes sparkled, and I could tell I’d said the right thing. I thought she was going to say something more about it, so I was surprised when she shifted gears to business. “Thank you for coming over today.”

  My heart plummeted to my stomach. Was she going to tell me she wasn’t interested? The Hartwell Agency was like a matchmaker. Sometimes they set up playdate interviews which led to a placement, sometimes not. Though I’d thought I’d hit it off with Sophia—Alexis too.

  “Renata told me you’re available for the entire summer,” she said, though she didn’t sound excited. “After meeting Sophia, are you still interested in the placement?”

  It took everything in me not to jump out of my seat and tell her yes. But I forced myself to remain still and answer calmly. “Yes.” I leaned forward, noticing the way her eyes darkened at my proximity. “I’m very interested.”

  She sucked in a jagged breath, and I leaned back, gratified I wasn’t the only one affected. Still, she was now going to be my boss, which meant she was officially off-limits. At least, until the end of summer when the placement ended.

  Not that it mattered anyway. Alexis was so out of my league, it wasn’t even funny. She was smart, successful, sexy. God, was she sexy, especially when she laughed.

  I took a sip of water in a futile attempt to cool myself down. Something about this woman got me all hot and bothered like no one else had. If Hunter could see me now, I thought.

  “Excellent.” She smiled. “When can you move in?”

  I choked on my water, coughing a few times before catching my breath. “Move in?” My chest was tight. “Here?” I glanced back at the house. “With you?”

  Her brows pulled together. “Yeah—in the pool house. Didn’t Renata tell you? This is a live-in position. I have crazy hours and work weekends, so I need someone available twenty-four seven.”

  Oh, I can be available twenty-four seven, I thought. I felt light-headed at the onslaught of images that idea sparked in my mind. Alexis in a black lace bra and matching underwear. Her caramel waves sprawled out across a white pillow. My hands on her hips. My lips tracing a trail down her—

  “Preston.” She placed a hand on my thigh.

  I glanced down at the connection, loving the way her long, delicate fingers were splayed over my muscles. I swallowed. Hard. If my thoughts had been hot, my skin singed from that simple touch.

  Off-limits. Off-limits. Off-limits, I chanted in my head like a mantra.

  Focus on the job. The money. Focus on your goals and your future.

  She retracted her hand, brows furrowed. “I’m sorry. I, um…are you okay?”

  I met her eyes, the sun making them seem more golden than brown. “Yes. I’m fine.” I smiled. “And yes, that will be fine.”

  “Great. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this.” She seemed so relieved, it made me even more glad I’d agreed. Though I couldn’t deny, part of me was disappointed. I’d secured the placement, but that meant she was now my boss.


  She glanced to the open doors where she could see Sophia playing in the living room, then lowered her voice. “Sophia’s father bailed on her for the summer, and she was devastated.”

  I nodded. “She said he travels a lot for work.”

  She smiled, but I could tell it was forced. I hadn’t been around Alexis that long, and already I could read her. “He does, but—” She closed her eyes briefly before reopening them. “He knew how important this was to Sophia. I should’ve known better than to believe he’d actually follow through.”

  “Hey,” I said, resisting the urge to touch her. “Don’t beat yourself up. It says a lot about you that you were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.”

  She puffed out a breath, ruffling some of her hair. “Yeah. It tells me I should’ve had a backup plan.”

  “Well…” I smiled. “I’m here now, and I’m happy to help in any way I can.”

  Her shoulders relaxed, a genuine smile playing at her lips. “Thank you. Seriously, Preston,” she said, placing her hand on my shoulder. “You’re a life-saver.”

  We stared at each other, and I could feel the connection between us as if it were a tangible thing. It was more than the weight of her hand on my shoulder; it was a pull—deep and unexplored. My body thrummed with excitement, and I sensed Alexis felt it too.

nbsp; Sophia ran outside, ending the moment all too soon. She chattered on, all excited about her latest creation. Alexis smiled at her and stood, and I followed suit.

  “I’ll have Renata send over the contract. Once it’s signed, you can move in.”


  I watched Alexis a moment longer, captivated by the way her honey-colored strands blew about her face. I’d just agreed to spend the summer with the woman of my dreams—as her daughter’s nanny. But, like she said, she worked a lot. I’d been hired to do a job, and I consoled myself with the thought that, in all likelihood, I’d barely even see Alexis.

  Chapter Five

  I cupped my coffee mug in my hands, warmth spreading through me. I stared at the designs without truly seeing them.

  “Well,” Lauren said. “What do you think?”


  “The drawings?” she asked, tapping her finger on the design plans scattered across the surface of the table. “Girl, you sure are distracted today.”

  “Sorry,” I said, taking a sip of my coffee. “I stayed up too late answering emails because I’d promised Soph we’d watch movies together.” Which was partially true.

  “You’re such a good mom,” she said, and I knew she meant it.

  “Hah.” I barked out a laugh. Somehow, no matter how much I did, it never felt like enough. “Thanks.”

  “So, did my girl at the Hartwell Agency hook you up?”

  I coughed a little, thinking of the word hookup and Preston in the same sentence. “Yes. Thank you again for recommending them. Sophia’s new nanny will be moving in today.” I glanced at the clock on my phone. “Soon, actually.”

  As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and Sophia bounded down the stairs. “I’ll get it!”

  I shook my head and laughed. At least I knew she was excited about seeing Preston again. And she wasn’t the only one. I’d spent way too much time reliving moments from yesterday. He hadn’t been at all what I’d expected—in a good way. In the best way.

  Sophia skipped into the kitchen a moment later with Preston in tow. He was dressed more casually than yesterday, but he still looked nice. His shorts were fitted, but not so tight that it looked like he’d raided the women’s department. And his T-shirt stretched over the muscles of his chest, highlighting his golden skin.

  “Hey.” I smiled, feeling like the atmosphere of the room had changed just by virtue of his presence.

  “Hey,” he said. And we stood there for a beat, just smiling at each other until Sophia tugged on his hand.

  Then Lauren cleared her throat, and I remembered she was standing there. Watching us. I started bracing myself for her comments.

  “Preston, this is my associate and good friend, Lauren. Lauren, this is Preston.” I hesitated a moment, debating whether to call him the nanny. Manny? Instead, I decided to avoid the topic altogether. “He’ll be looking after Sophia for the summer.”

  “Friend?” She turned to stare at me, her expression indignant. “Friend?” Her voice rose. “Girl, I’m not just a friend. I’m your best friend.”

  I laughed, throwing my arm around her shoulder. “Yeah. I know.”

  She turned her attention back to Preston with an appreciative glance. “Nice to meet you.” She held out her hand to shake.

  “Take good care of our girl,” she said, tightening her grip on his hand. And for a minute, I felt like she was referring to me, not Sophia.

  “Of course.” His voice radiated sincerity.

  I saw a gleam in Lauren’s eye that I knew meant trouble. I needed to get him out of here before Lauren ran her mouth.

  “Oh,” I said to Preston, rounding the island and grabbing the spare key from the drawer. “This is for you.”

  I handed it to him, and our fingers brushed in the process. That simple touch had lightning racing up my arm, across my skin. And when I glanced up at him, his eyes seemed to flicker with the same surprise I felt.

  “Thanks.” He added it to his key ring, and I admired the dexterity of his long fingers. “I’ll go through the gate.”

  “Can I help?” Sophia asked, practically jumping up and down.

  “Soph, I’m not sure that’s a good idea,” I said at the same time Preston said, “Of course.”

  He chuckled, placing a hand on her shoulder. “It’s fine, really. I didn’t bring much, and this will allow you to get back to your meeting.”

  “Are you sure?” I asked.

  I hadn’t expected him to start working until tomorrow morning. And while I didn’t want him to feel like I was taking advantage, I appreciated the offer.

  “Absolutely.” He turned to Sophia. “Come on, princess. You can help me organize my clothes.”

  “Really?” she practically shrieked, and I watched them disappear toward the front door.

  “Mm. Mm. Mm,” Lauren said after they’d gone. “Girl, he is foine.”

  I laughed nervously, feeling my cheeks heat. Was my attraction completely obvious?

  “It’s okay,” she said. “I’m not going to judge. You can admit it—you were totally checking him out. He has a good ass. And face. And, well, pretty much everything.”

  I laughed, this time a more genuine one. “He’s the nanny. Manny?” I shrugged. “I don’t know what to call him.”

  “I think he’d let you call him whatever you want.” She arched an eyebrow. “Because boy, is he into you.”

  “He is not,” I responded quickly, too quickly, and my cheeks flushed with heat. Though, really, I wanted to know. Was he? “And besides, he’s just a boy.”

  “Handsome, hardworking, and he calls your daughter princess.” She held her hand to her heart and pretended to swoon.

  “Okay,” I said, grabbing her bicep and picking her up off the floor. “I think we’re done here.”

  “No way.” She wagged her finger at me. “Nuh-uh. You’re not kicking me out now. Not when the show’s about to start.”

  “What show?”

  “He’s going to be moving in to your pool house.” She said each word slowly, enunciating as if I couldn’t understand her.


  “And so, he’s going to be lifting and bending and being all sexy and sweaty. And you, my dear,” she said, spinning me toward the large sliding glass doors that faced the pool, “have a front row seat. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I rolled my eyes and took a seat on the barstool, returning my attention to the real reason we were here—work. It was Wednesday morning—my Sunday—and I wanted to get the designs finalized before my week officially started. “Where are we on these?”

  “You tell me.” She assessed me over the rim of her coffee mug.

  I glanced through the materials and sketches. “I love what you did with the kitchen—definitely want to keep that California-chic vibe. But I’m not sure about the bedrooms.”

  “Okay. What are you thinking? What do you want to change about them?”

  “Considering the neighborhood and price point, I think we should target couples who want to entertain, not families.”

  “So, nix the kids’ rooms.” She made some notes on her tablet. “Done. Maybe make one a study?”

  I nodded, and movement out of the corner of my eye drew my attention. I turned to watch as Preston carried Sophia in a firefighters’s carry, his other arm wrapped around a box of books. He was laughing, and it looked effortless.

  “Damn…” Lauren said the word long and low.

  I nodded my agreement before shaking my head and turning my attention back to the designs.

  “I think I need to hire myself a nanny,” she joked. “Though, knowing my luck, I’d probably get a grumpy old woman.”

  I laughed and went back to the designs for the next house. It was a huge, modern home in the Hills.

  “So, what are you going to do about it?” Lauren asked.

  “About what?” I kept my eyes focused on the designs, feigning ignorance though I knew what she was referring to. Or rather whom—Preston.

/>   “The attraction between you two.” She fanned herself. “Whew. I’m getting hot just thinking about it.”

  At least I wasn’t imagining the chemistry, I thought.

  Was I attracted to him? Absolutely.

  She leaned over, butting my shoulder with hers. “So…?”

  “So, nothing,” I said. “I’m not going to do a damn thing. He’s Sophia’s nanny and a college student.”

  “He looks nothing like the boys I went to school with.” Her eyes were focused on the backyard. She had no shame.

  I couldn’t resist looking, and I immediately wished I hadn’t. Because I knew the image of him chasing Sophia across the yard, both of them laughing, would be etched in my brain from here forward. Preston had known her less than twenty-four hours, and already he had a better relationship with her than her own father. Not that it took much effort.

  Cal loved Sophia, but he was off living his life, doing his thing. He called when he could. He showed up when it was convenient. He knew how to have fun; he didn’t know how to parent. He couldn’t handle the hard stuff.

  “How old is he anyway?” Lauren asked.

  “He’s too young for me, that’s for sure.”

  He was twenty-six. Twenty. Six. The number had been seared in my brain as a reminder that he was nearly a decade younger than me.

  “Is he a grad student?”

  I shook my head. “Studying for his bachelor’s.”

  “Hmm.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “That seems a bit odd. Want me to have my PI friend look into him?”

  “Lauren, the Hartwell Agency already ran a comprehensive background check. Who cares that he’s a little older than your average college student?”

  Okay, not just a little. A lot. Most students graduated by the age of twenty-two, twenty-three, max. But he was twenty-six. I knew there had to be a story there, but I also realized the less I knew about his personal life, the better.

  She pursed her lips. “Still…why would a guy like him, a guy who could be a freaking model, want to be a nanny?”

  I lifted a shoulder. “It wasn’t in the file. And maybe he is a model, but he needs to pay the bills between gigs.”